8 Essential Fonts for Impactful Visual Storytelling

8 Essential Fonts for Impactful Visual Storytelling

If you are really trying to make a project or business pop, you need to be sure you are catching the attention of potential customers. These days, there are just so many ways to do that. In fact, you have so many options that you may feel overwhelmed at times.

But you shouldn’t be. In fact, you should be excited because you have the opportunity to really make an impact on people in some unique and special ways.

One of the best ways to create visual storytelling for any number of projects is through the use of well-placed, novel fonts.

You might not think so, but they can make all the difference – if you use them correctly. But before you can do that, you have to decide which ones you will use and, frankly, that can make all the difference.

Ready to leave people in awe of your project and wanting more? Here are some fonts you should look into.


One of the most popular fonts in any industry and any situation, Georgia is a serif typeface that gives off a feeling of classic, traditional look. At the same time, it is also easily readable on all types of screens, which is vital in this day and age when so many people read things on phones or tablets.

Georgia’s classic appearance lends itself well to stories and projects that focus on timeless storytelling. For that reason, it’s great for long-form writing and historical works. Don’t be surprised when you see Georgia on many digital design templates – it really is that popular.


Moving on, we have Quicksand, which is a fun and rounded font that adds a touch of playfulness to any writing it’s a part of.

Its friendly and enjoyable tone can grab readers and keep them engaged. They feel like they are reading something that has a relaxed and playful air about it at all times, which is why it’s great for children’s stories and casual writing.


Next is Montserrat, a modern and welcoming typeface that has a clean and crisp geometric design.

Montserrat’s modern design and clearness make it perfect for digital stories and it is thriving on many blogs, especially those with some sort of interactive media. It can really make visual storytelling pop in tech-related stories.


Lora is another great choice and is considered one of the best contemporary fonts because it comes with a hint of calligraphy added to it. As you can imagine, this brings a special kind of allure and it’s a deeply compelling and enchanting font.

It complements a lot of casual and more formal styles because it brings a sense of emotional warmth to stories, blogs, and any kind of writing. You would be wise to use it for personal essays that want to bring across a sense of reality and depth.

Playfair Display

Playfair Display is a font with a classy and refined style. It’s ideal for giving stories a fashionable, dramatic touch, especially when combined with a more plain body font.

A lot of people use this font in blogs or writings that are about fashion or design. It’s also used often for projects that are related to lifestyle and high-end products and events. If you want a classy atmosphere in your visual storytelling, you want Playfair Display.


Then there is Merriweather, a font that is created with a strong and necessary focus on screen readability. Because of that, it’s ideal for lengthy digital storytelling and we have all read blogs or articles that are printed in Merriweather since most of us use our phones to enjoy content.

Web design has become so vital during this generation and Merriweather has seen its popularity rise because of the emphasis on clean and easy-to-read design.

Additionally, Merriweather’s compressed design brings classic characteristics with a contemporary and inviting look and feel. Long blogs or novellas and stories that are dense with writing would be greatly benefitted by Merriweather.


Roboto is a popular front that is celebrated for its sleek and inviting look and feel.

It is also very easy to read, which makes it perfect for a number of multimedia storytelling projects that are crafted with a combination of text, images, and interactive elements. It’s clear, it’s easy to read, and it is good on the eyes too. That is why Roboto has done so well in blogs and interactive digital projects.


Lastly, there is Raleway, a renowned font that gives off a simple and minimalist vibe, which makes it excellent for any number of projects, blogs, writings, and more.

This modern and stylish font really shines in all kinds of digital media projects that depend on visual storytelling because it allows other elements in the design to stand out even more. A lot of magazines use Raleway, while it’s also popular with storytelling projects that want the words to pop and shine brightly.


You shouldn’t be afraid of trying some new fonts if you want the most out of your next storytelling project. By changing things up, trying something different, and focusing on how the fonts look and feel, you can make things easier on your readers and allow your project to reach its next level.


An original article about 8 Essential Fonts for Impactful Visual Storytelling by Kokou Adzo · Published in Resources

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