K3s cluster deployment in AWS with Cluster.dev

In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to establish a production-ready K3s cluster, suitable for deployment in either a single-node or multi-node auto-scaling configuration.
The K3s cluster will be configured with the following addons:
- aws-asg-roller — to manage auto-scaling groups updates.
- aws-ebs-csi-driver — to work with external persistent volumes.
- local-path-provisioner — to create volumes on the EC2 instances.
- ingress-nginx — to serve ingress objects instead of default traffic.
In case you have a DNS Zone (domain) configured in Route53:
- external-dns — to manage zones from Ingress objects.
- cert-manager — to generate LetsEncrypt Certificates.
Additionally, Cluster.dev will create all required AWS resources like: VPC (you can define your own), Load Balancer, IAM roles and policies, Security Groups and others.
What is K3s?
K3s stands out as a lightweight, certified Kubernetes distribution crafted for resource-constrained environments and edge computing. Originating from Rancher Labs, it is tailored to consume minimal memory and disk space, making it well-suited for applications spanning IoT devices, small clusters, CI/CD systems, and similar scenarios where a full-scale Kubernetes installation may be excessive.
Notably, K3s consolidates all necessary components into a single binary, eliminating unnecessary modules to minimize its footprint, and boasts a straightforward installation process.
What is Cluster.dev?
Cluster.dev represents an advanced cloud-native platform, purpose-built to simplify the deployment and management of infrastructure-as-code (IaC) across diverse cloud providers. By harnessing contemporary IaC tools such as Terraform, Helm, and Kubernetes, Cluster.dev simplifies the complexities of cloud configurations, guaranteeing uniform, replicable, and scalable deployments.
Cluster.dev boasts certain features that distinguish it in the cloud-native landscape:
- Multi-cloud Support: Effortlessly deploy resources across AWS, Azure, GCP, and other providers, abstracting away provider-specific intricacies.
- Kubernetes Integration: Swiftly initialize managed Kubernetes services like AWS-EKS and nimble distributions such as K3s.
- Module-based Architecture: Leverage pre-built modules for common functions, including deploying static websites or establishing monitoring with Prometheus.
- Automation & CI/CD Ready: Integrate seamlessly with existing CI/CD and GitOps pipelines, enhancing automation and minimizing manual interventions.
For the detailed configuration of prerequisites and a cloud account refer to the documentation on setting up the AWS-K3s stack.
- Terraform version 1.4+
- AWS account / AWS CLI installed and access configured.
- AWS S3 bucket for storing states.
- kubectl installed.
- Cluster.dev client installed.
- (Optional) DNS zone in AWS account.
Project configuration
Create locally a project directory, cd into it and execute the command:
[~/tmpk3s]$ cdev project create https://github.com/shalb/cdev-aws-k3s
09:33:22 [INFO] Creating: kuard.yaml
09:33:22 [INFO] Creating: kuard.yaml
09:33:22 [INFO] Creating: backend.yaml
09:33:22 [INFO] Creating: demo-app.yaml
09:33:22 [INFO] Creating: demo-infra.yaml # Stack describing infrastructure
09:33:22 [INFO] Creating: project.yaml
This will create a new project.
Edit variables in the example’s files:
project.yaml — main project config. Defines common global variables for a current project such as organization, region, state bucket name etc.
backend.yaml — configures backend for Cluster.dev states (including Terraform states). Uses variables from project.yaml.
demo-infra.yaml — describes K3s stack configuration.
Additionally, there would be sample-application-template and demo-app.yaml files describing an example of deploying a Kubernetes sample application.
Let’s look at the demo-infra.yaml sample file:
name: k3s-demo
template: https://github.com/shalb/cdev-aws-k3s?ref=main
kind: Stack
backend: aws-backend
cluster_name: cdev-k3s-demo
bucket: {{ .project.variables.state_bucket_name }}
region: {{ .project.variables.region }}
organization: {{ .project.variables.organization }}
domain: {{ .project.variables.domain }}
instance_type: “t3.medium”
k3s_version: “v1.28.2+k3s1”
env: “demo”
public_key: “ssh-rsa 3mnUUoUrclNkr demo” # Change this.
public_key_name: demo
master_node_count: 1
– name: “node_pool”
min_size: 2
max_size: 3
instance_type: “t3.medium”
As it is shown, we specify the StackTemplate’s location on GitHub with a tag or a branch pinned. You can fork the StackTemplate or store it locally for further customization, such as adding any necessary addons to your cluster (for example ArgoCD / Flux, etc.).
If you have a DNS zone domain in a Route53 account, you can set it in the Stack file.
Set the version of K3s release.
Make sure to modify the public key that will be deployed to the nodes and configure the desired master and worker node sizes. This process will result in the creation of a dedicated EC2 Auto-scaling group for each node pool.
Deployment of K3s project
Once all the necessary settings are configured, you can execute the `cdev plan / apply` commands to review and implement the entire stack in one go.
[~/tmpk3s]$ cdev plan
Plan results:
| k3s-demo.aws_key_pair |
| k3s-demo.route53 |
| k3s-demo.vpc |
| k3s-demo.iam-policy-external-dns |
| k3s-demo.k3s |
| k3s-demo.kubeconfig |
| k3s-demo.ingress-nginx |
| k3s-demo.external-dns |
| k3s-demo.cert-manager |
| k3s-demo.outputs |
| k3s-demo.cert-manager-issuer |
| k3s-demo-app.kuard |
Here is the sample output for `cdev apply`:
[~/tmpk3s]$ cdev apply
10:03:52 [INFO] Applying unit ‘k3s-demo.route53’:
10:03:52 [INFO] Applying unit ‘k3s-demo.iam-policy-external-dns’:
10:03:52 [INFO] Applying unit ‘k3s-demo.aws_key_pair’:
10:03:52 [INFO] [k3s-demo][route53][init] In progress…
10:03:52 [INFO] [k3s-demo][route53][init] executing in progress… 0s
10:03:57 [INFO] [k3s-demo][route53][init] Success
10:03:57 [INFO] [k3s-demo][route53][apply] In progress…
10:04:22 [INFO] [k3s-demo][route53][apply] executing in progress… 25s
10:04:23 [INFO] [k3s-demo][iam-policy-external-dns][retrieving outputs] Success
10:04:23 [INFO] Applying unit ‘k3s-demo.vpc’:
10:04:23 [INFO] [k3s-demo][vpc][init] In progress…
10:04:23 [INFO] [k3s-demo][vpc][init] executing in progress… 0s
10:04:25 [INFO] [k3s-demo][aws_key_pair][apply] Success
10:04:30 [INFO] [k3s-demo][aws_key_pair][retrieving outputs] Success
10:04:30 [INFO] [k3s-demo][vpc][init] Success
10:04:30 [INFO] [k3s-demo][vpc][apply] In progress…
10:04:30 [INFO] [k3s-demo][vpc][apply] executing in progress… 0s
10:04:32 [INFO] [k3s-demo][route53][apply] executing in progress… 35s
Cluster.dev intelligently identifies dependencies between units, constructing an efficient execution graph. This graph ensures the sequential application of Terraform, Helm, and Kubernetes units in the necessary order, allowing for the seamless transfer of values between units during execution.
The outputs you will get after execution:
10:25:57 [INFO] Printer: ‘k3s-demo.outputs’, Output:
k3s_version = v1.28.2+k3s1
kubeconfig = /tmp/kubeconfig_cdev-k3s-demo
region = eu-central-1
cluster_name = cdev-k3s-demo
You can inspect your cluster with the kubeconfig file:
[~/tmpk3s]$ export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig_cdev-k3s-demo
[~/tmpk3s]$ kubectl get nodes
ip-10-8-0-48.eu-central-1.compute.internal Ready <none> 26m v1.28.2+k3s1
ip-10-8-11-142.eu-central-1.compute.internal Ready control-plane,etcd,master 27m v1.28.2+k3s1
ip-10-8-4-183.eu-central-1.compute.internal Ready <none> 26m v1.28.2+k3s1
[~/tmpk3s]$ kubectl get all -A
cert-manager pod/cert-manager-56b95dfb77-xn9xx 1/1 Running 0 59s
cert-manager pod/cert-manager-cainjector-7f75fcc746-brk45 1/1 Running 0 59s
cert-manager pod/cert-manager-webhook-7f9dc7f889-ccbbt 1/1 Running 0 59s
default pod/kuard-deployment-5bb67b58b7-trprg 1/1 Running 0 30s
external-dns pod/external-dns-5cdc5f687-5zbxw 1/1 Running 0 48s
ingress-nginx pod/ingress-nginx-controller-86dbc68954-ld6rs 1/1 Running 0 63s
kube-system pod/aws-asg-roller-6c95885f4-j54ws 1/1 Running 0 12m
kube-system pod/aws-cloud-controller-manager-ztqm2 1/1 Running 0 12m
kube-system pod/coredns-6799fbcd5-fztnn 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system pod/ebs-csi-controller-846b59c468-dxzn5 5/5 Running 0 12m
kube-system pod/ebs-csi-node-5h7nw 3/3 Running 0 12m
kube-system pod/local-path-provisioner-84db5d44d9-bxb5k 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system pod/metrics-server-67c658944b-qlpt7 1/1 Running 0 13m
To destroy the K3s cluster and created AWS resources, use this command:
[~/tmpk3s]$ cdev destroy
Plan results:
| k3s-demo-app.kuard |
| k3s-demo.external-dns |
| k3s-demo.ingress-nginx |
| k3s-demo.cert-manager-issuer |
| k3s-demo.outputs |
| k3s-demo.cert-manager |
| k3s-demo.kubeconfig |
| k3s-demo.k3s |
| k3s-demo.iam-policy-external-dns |
| k3s-demo.vpc |
| k3s-demo.aws_key_pair |
| k3s-demo.route53 |
Continue?(yes/no) [no]: yes
10:51:40 [INFO] Destroying…
10:51:40 [INFO] Destroying unit ‘k3s-demo-app.kuard’
10:51:43 [INFO] [k3s-demo-app][kuard][init] In progress…
10:51:43 [INFO] [k3s-demo-app][kuard][init] executing in progress… 0s
10:51:45 [INFO] [k3s-demo-app][kuard][init] Success
10:51:45 [INFO] [k3s-demo][kubeconfig][init] In progress…
In this article, we delve into a straightforward method for deploying a production-ready infrastructure on AWS for K3s using Cluster.dev. The entire process takes less than 20 minutes, resulting in a wholly codified infrastructure aligned with IaC best practices.
Subsequently, you can customize your deployment by editing StackTemplates, launching single-node clusters for testing, or expanding it with your own set of addons or cloud resources. For further details, refer to our documentation at docs.cluster.dev, where you can create your own stacks on any cloud or even establish installations for your software.