Learning to learn: Modern Techniques to Help Students Succeed Academically

Learning to learn: Modern Techniques to Help Students Succeed Academically

If you want to get the most out of your time and energy spent studying, it helps to have a firm grasp on the most efficient learning methods. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have a lot of spare time to devote to learning, so it’s crucial that you make the most of the time you do have.

However, the rate of learning isn’t the sole consideration. Knowledge retention, retrieval, and application across contexts are all crucial for making the most of one’s education.

While mastering effective study methods takes time, incorporating even a handful of these 6 strategies into your daily routine will help you make the most of your study sessions and accelerate your progress:

1.   Learn in Multiple Ways

Learning in a variety of ways is one of the most effective strategies. Rather than relying solely on auditory learning as in listening to a podcast you should also find ways to practice what you’ve heard and seen. Explaining the material to a student, making notes through Studyclerk essay helper, or creating a mind map are all good ways to do this. When you learn something in college using more than one method, you increase the likelihood that it will stick in your mind. If you want to learn a new language, for instance, you should use a variety of methods, such as listening to recordings, reading texts, speaking with a native speaker, and taking notes.

It’s recommended that you attempt writing your notes out on paper instead of typing them out on a computer, tablet, or laptop. Studies have shown that taking notes by hand is more successful in retaining knowledge than using a digital note-taking tool.

2.   Teach What You Are Learning

Educators have known for a long time that teaching someone else is a great method to improve one’s own knowledge. Do you remember the time in seventh grade when you gave a presentation about Costa Rica? To help you learn more from this task, your teacher probably had you teach it to the rest of the class.

Similarly, you can put this idea to use right now by teaching others what you’ve learned. First, put the data into your own words. This action alone can help you retain new information for the long haul. The next step is to start teaching others what you’ve discovered.

3.   Build on Previous Learning

Using relational learning, which entails connecting new information to prior knowledge, is another fantastic strategy for improving one’s capacity to take in and retain data.

If you’re learning a new language, for instance, you might link the words and structures you’re being taught to those you already know from your first language and any others you may know.

4.   Gain Practical Experience

Many students study by reading textbooks, listening to lectures, or conducting library or Internet research. One of the most effective methods is to put what you’ve learned into practice, which is why seeing and writing down information are both crucial steps.

Regular practice is essential if you want to improve at a sport or athletic skill. Talk to someone else and put yourself in situations where you have to use the language you’re learning so that you can pick it up quickly. If you’re trying to learn a new language, it can be helpful to watch movies in that language and engage in conversation with native speakers.

5.   Take Tests

Taking exams has been shown to improve memory for all material studied, not just that which was tested. This is true even for material that was not directly tested.

The testing effect argues that recalling previously learned material strengthens long-term retention of that material. The more you use this method to retrieve knowledge, the more probable it is that you will be able to recall it when you need it.

6.   Have Courage and Learn from Your Mistakes

Several studies reveal that making blunders while studying might actually boost retention and recall. One study found that making mistakes that were near the correct answer during trial and error learning was beneficial.

It was discovered in another study that receiving feedback on one’s errors can really improve one’s learning. If you make a blunder when studying, instead of giving up, take the time to fix it and figure out why you got it wrong.

Learning to think critically and change your perspective quickly under pressure is one of the talents you’ll develop using this method.

Final Verdict

Finding out how to learn requires investigating verified methods of instruction. Memory exercises and using different methods are both good ideas. Learning new material on a consistent basis, engaging in spaced repetition, and doing frequent self-assessments are all strategies that can help you become a more effective student.

It may take time and effort to develop the skills necessary to become a more efficient student. Focus on applying only one or two of these strategies during your next study session to see if you can make better progress. Having faith in your own ability to understand and grow is maybe the most crucial step you can take toward succeeding. A strong belief in one’s own ability to learn and develop is recommended by the research as a means to make the most of one’s educational possibilities.


Robert Everett manages content for a company. He is dedicated to the field of education and finds great satisfaction in assisting pupils at both primary and secondary levels. Robert spends his time away from counseling kids, parents, and educators learning about the universe and spending time with his dogs.

An original article about Learning to learn: Modern Techniques to Help Students Succeed Academically by Kokou Adzo · Published in

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