Types Of Law Degrees And Careers For Graduates

Types Of Law Degrees And Careers For Graduates

If you are considering studying law, you should know that there are typically distinct sorts of legal degrees you may earn. These certifications include a Master of Dispute Resolution, a Master of Laws degree, and a Juris Doctor degree. With these degrees, you have a lot of career opportunities whether you study law online  or on campus.

Individuals for legal careers will benefit from researching the many subfields of law. Law students in college often pass through a series of legal courses and research papers. As a student, you can always get help with your law assignments when you need assistance. You can have more time to determine which programs will provide you with the most effective preparation for a specific field of law. In this article, we will learn the types of law degrees and professions aspiring lawyers might want to pursue.

Types of Law Degrees

Different law degrees exist for students who want a career path in the legal system. Below, we discuss some types of Law degrees:

Juris Doctor

This is the initial legal education that one must acquire to practice law and become an attorney. Students will begin their legal education by studying foundational subjects during their first year. The student can tailor the second and third years of the program to their particular interests. During the second and third years of study, students can pursue elective coursework.

Master of Laws

Students with a bachelor’s degree in law can earn a Master of Laws (LLM). Students pursuing a Master of Laws degree may have the opportunity to specialize in an area of law. This includes intellectual property law, tax law, international environmental law, and human rights law.

Master of Dispute Resolution

You can consider pursuing a master’s degree in dispute resolution even if you have no plans to become a lawyer. With this, you can improve your abilities in mediating conflicts, resolving disputes, or negotiating. MDRs are earned by those employed in the disciplines of labor relations, human resources, and business management. To acquire an MDR degree, you may be required to take classes in areas like mediation theory, arbitration, negotiation, and conflict management.

Master of Legal Studies

Human resources managers, compliance officers, and management analysts are among the professionals with this degree. The curriculum of a Master of Legal Studies degree could include subjects such as research, ethics, legal writing, and legal strategy. To have this degree, you must first acquire a bachelor’s degree.

Career Options for Law Graduates

Graduates of law schools have several career options available to them. Some of the career options are:

Patent Attorneys

As a patent attorney, it will be your responsibility to determine whether an invention is novel and qualifies to be patented. They focus primarily on the drafting of patents and an understanding of intellectual property law. They walk individual inventors or companies through the necessary steps to get a patent. Then, take action to enforce the rights of inventors if their patents are violated in any way.

patent attorney


Individuals who specialize in advocacy and are licensed to represent persons or organizations in legal proceedings are called barristers. They are unbiased legal assistance providers and can offer clients guidance on proceeding with their cases. They do not become involved in an issue until the necessity for advocacy in front of a court arises.


To work as a journalist, you will almost always need a bachelor’s degree, at the very least. Journalists considered to be authorities in a specific field, such as the law, may have earned a master’s degree in that field. Journalists conduct investigations and acquire information to write about events and important occurrences. They write news reports to educate the general populace.


Before being able to serve as a judge, one needs first to have experience working as an attorney. Hearings in court are presided over by judges, who are also responsible for overseeing the many legal processes that take place. This includes the resolution of disputes and the issuance of decisions regarding legal problems.


The legal career path is one with various spheres and needs careful consideration. Students who get basic law degrees have options if they need to further their studies. With the proper qualification, they can venture into any career path in the legal field. This guide has done justice in listing the various law degrees and jobs available to individuals who have earned a Law degree. We hope the information in this guide is helpful and inspires you to consider a new degree or job option.

Author’s Bio

Robert Everett

Robert is a content writer and a certified legal practitioner. While pursuing further degrees, he spends time researching and writing college papers. When he is not writing essays, he posts relevant content on social media.

An original article about Types Of Law Degrees And Careers For Graduates by Purity Muriuki · Published in

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