How to Prepare for a Speech Presentation

How to Prepare for a Speech Presentation

Public speaking is one of the most dreaded activities by students and professionals. You often have to worry about creating the perfect speech, stage fright, and anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, stage fright or glossophobia affects about 77% of the population. And let’s be honest, there is no shortage of opportunities to speak in public. It ranges from talking in a class full of students, in front of colleagues, or at an award ceremony. Despite the cliché that practice makes perfect, the goal is not to be perfect. When it comes to giving lectures, you only need to master a few tips to become better at giving speeches. Let us talk about the importance of speech preparation below.

Can I hire someone to write my speech?

It is legal to hire someone to write your address. Although the most recommended approach is to do it yourself, how can you draft a speech on short notice? A professional speechwriter won’t flood your address with unnecessary formalities. Apart from this, the individual uses the right transitional phrases to keep ideas flowing smoothly. Hire an expert writer at Edusson to write my speech or essay if you don’t have time to plan, draft, or hunt for grammatical errors. Let’s look at some of the best practices for creating an address.

Tips for preparing for a speech presentation

Planning your presentations is necessary to deal with anxiety. The fundamentals of public lectures are the same for every context. It revolves around communicating in clear and simple language and delivering with confidence. Follow these tips to double the impact of your lecture.

Define your purpose 

The first thing to do for an effective address is to define the purpose. Put differently, what is the goal? There are different types of public lectures. They include information, inspiration, persuasion, entertainment, and motivational lectures. Divide an informative address into explanatory, demonstrative, or descriptive addresses. The point is there are different types of lectures for various occasions. Although the goals sometimes overlap, it is important to find a focal point.

Know your audience

The next thing is to research your audience. Ask yourself the following question:

  • What do they need?
  • What problem do I solve?
  • What should I say to meet their expectations?

Knowing your listeners will help you connect and put yourself in their shoes. It gives a perspective that allows you to establish rapport and communicate understanding. For example, by identifying the age and demographics of your listeners, rethink some jokes or information. When your goal doesn’t align with the audience’s goal, figure out how to close the gap and persuade them to view it from your perspective.


When talking to an expert audience, use logical and quantitative arguments. In contrast, lean into your listeners if you are talking to beginners. But if your listeners are mixed, appeal to their emotions. Together, they are known as ethos, logos, and pathos. Don’t place too much emphasis on the things you may say.

Use a presentation tool

Visual aids like printed handouts and PowerPoint slides make it easy to follow vital ideas. Images, charts, and bulleted outlines are easy ways to communicate details you don’t have time to explain orally. But pay attention to the font formats and their use. Also, choose a speech presentation tool to complement your address instead of completing it.

Don’t script it

Reading or memorizing your address word-for-word is one of the most counterproductive things. It is more like asking for trouble. People that read their lectures want to come off as fantastic speakers. However, the focus should be on making and communicating your point. Reading your speech presentation robs it of naturalness and makes it sound robotic. Apart from this, it reduces the amount of contact you have with your listeners. Also, avoid flipping through cards while presenting, as this distracts your listeners and shows you are not prepared.

Don’t memorize it

Another mistake people make is memorizing their lines. When the script is in your head, the slightest memory failure throws you off and reveals you’re reciting from a script. Instead of memorizing, do the following:

  • Use an outline: a structure serves as a roadmap that shows the vital gist you communicate in your discussion.
  • Create useful notes: When you practice enough, your outline will be small enough to fit on an index card. Like a cheat sheet, it contains essential details and crucial ideas you may forget. Instead of complete sentences, use abbreviations and bullet lists.

Practice until you are comfortable

Practice your address 10, 20, or 30 times until you are comfortable or confident in your ability to deliver. Read it aloud in front of the mirror or people. Then, ask for feedback. Alternatively, record yourself to identify weaknesses in speaking and improve. We recommend you visit the event location to choreograph staging and gestures.

Watch your structure and tone

Start your presentation with a strong opening, end, and a series of talking points to anchor it. In the end, recap your main ideas to deliver your most vital messages. But more than writing, pay attention to the tone and delivery. As mentioned above, to win your audience, you must consider who they are. Should you be more formal or less formal? Informative or humorous? Regardless of the category, compose a simple address. Simplicity helps you communicate details. Your listeners will also remember what you said with ease. Another way is to use storytelling. Since humans respond to stories, use anecdotes to engage and connect to your listeners.

Apply gestures to your delivery 

Practice your word choice, pauses and pacing, and transitions. Also, pay attention to your time limit. Before giving your lecture, chat with people to break the ice. One of the mistakes people make is going too fast. Speak candidly, slowly but loudly, and clearly. Face the crowd and maintain eye contact. Furthermore, watch your body language and avoid leaning on a desk. More importantly, leave opportunities to ask questions and practice possible questions.


If you dread public speaking, you are not alone. But with the right speech preparation, you can learn to lecture in front of a group with conviction. Prepare for it physically and mentally, and don’t confuse your listeners. Focus on the details, avoid complex sentences, and use proper words. Breathe, relax, smile, and make eye contact to build intimacy. Follow the tips above to build your nerve and deliver an impressive address.



An original article about How to Prepare for a Speech Presentation by Kokou Adzo · Published in

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