Grenze by Renata Polastri and Omnibus Type

Grenze is a great superfamily that includes no less than 18 styles (9 weights plus matching italics). It was named with the German word “Grenze” which translates as frontier or boundary, because it’s actually “unifying” two styles: Roman and Blackletter. It’s an interesting hybrid of the two, combining the impact of Blackletter with the good legibility of Romans.
Included weights and styles:
- Thin + Thin Italic
- Extra Light + Extra Light Italic
- Light + Light Italic
- Regular + Italic
- Medium + Medium Italic
- Semi Bold + Semi Bold Italic
- Bold + Bold Italic
- Extra Bold + Extra Bold Italic
- Black + Black Italic
The fonts are 100% free licensed under SIL OpenFont License 1.1, but any donations would be greatly appreciated. You can donate to the author here.
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All donation links (usually PayPal) belong to the authors and have the sole purpose of helping make their work sustainable.
Language support
Latin Extended (supports 219 languages)
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